Resilience Circles for Women in Ministry

From Surviving to Thriving.

Learn to navigate challenges, cultivate resilience, and flourish in your calling – all within a supportive community.

From Surviving to Thriving. Learn to navigate challenges, cultivate resilience, and flourish in your calling – all within a supportive community.

Now Enrolling!

New classes begin in the fall.

100% of participants said that their capacity to tolerate/manage stress increased as a result of the program.

Are you a woman called to lead? We understand the unique challenges you face.

In a historically patriarchal church context, despite some progress, we still contend with a culture that often devalues or dismisses women’s callings. Alongside these barriers, there’s also the stress of our day-to-day lives – both professionally and personally.

As women, we have an incredible capacity for stress, but we also know it takes a toll on our bodies, minds, hearts, and those we care for. Some days, you may be questioning your calling – or thinking about quitting altogether.

That’s why it’s essential to cultivate resilience.

Living out your calling – all while facing barriers and managing stress of day-to-day life – requires a special kind of resilience.

Resilience means becoming stronger through adversity. It’s about increasing your capacity in response to challenges. Not just surviving or muscling through — but truly flourishing.

And you don’t have to do this alone.

We created Resilience Circles to help you foster more resilience because we believe in the power of community. We were made to learn, grow, and flourish together.

New this year: Resilience Circles for Women in Ministry

If you’re a pastor, ministry leader, educator, or change-maker, we invite you to join our upcoming cohort of women leaders to cultivate resilience together. Our Resilience Circles offer a unique, transformative journey of personal growth, connection, and support, empowering you to flourish in your ministry and leadership roles.

In a world where differences often divide us, the Resilience Circle aims to create a “safe enough” space to bridge gaps with presence, authenticity, and kindness. This year, we’re thrilled to offer our first women-only cohort, providing a space to share our unique struggles and celebrate our victories together.

Over the course of 8 months, you’ll join a small cohort of women for monthly two-hour online gatherings. Together, you will:

  • Develop strategies to tolerate and manage stress and conflict
  • Create more self-compassion and self-awareness
  • Cultivate supportive relationships through listening, vulnerability, and kindly giving and receiving feedback

If you desire personal growth and want to make a significant impact right where you are, you will benefit from joining a Resilience Circle.

Ready to build resilience and flourish in your calling? Sign up now to be notified when registration opens.

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of participants said that their ability to deal with conflict in their vocational context has increased as a result of the program.


of participants said their self-compassion increased


of participants said that their capacity to tolerate/manage stress increased as a result of the program.


of participants said their ability to cultivate supportive relationships through listening, vulnerability, and kindly giving/receiving feedback increased.


of participants said that this program increased their ability to relate to others in positive, transforming ways.


of participants said their ability to find purpose/make-meaning in your own story increased.

Meet Your Resilience Circle Convener:
Dr. Rose Madrid Swetman

Dr. Rose Madrid Swetman was ordained as a pastor in 1995, becoming an associate pastor in a local church that recognized women’s ordination before the national denomination did. She co-led the church with her husband, Rich, from 2000 to 2016, taking the primary lead. In 2006, she played a pivotal role in the denomination’s resolution to empower women in ministry, serving on a national task force to mentor and train women leaders.

She became the first female and Hispanic area leader, overseeing seven churches, and in 2012, was appointed one of the first two female regional leaders, overseeing fifty (male-led) congregations in the Northwest, and served in those roles for ten years. Rose is the Associate Director of the Center for Transforming Engagement and continues to mentor and coach women in leadership, passionately supporting their impact in ministry.

This fall, Rose will be convening the Resilience Circles for Women in Ministry. Sign up below to be notified when registration opens.

How Resilience Circles Work

Circles are not predetermined groups you can join, but are a unique space that brings together diverse people to learn and grow together in a cohort model.

  • Format: live online instruction and facilitated conversation
  • Duration: 8-months
  • Cohort Size: Each circle includes one convener and 8-10 participants
  • Time: Monthly Meetings of 2 hours
  • Cost: $600
  • Partial scholarships: available for clergy and church staff – Click here to check your eligibility
  • Coaching Add-on: $300 for three 50-minute sessions*

Coaching helps you activate all that comes up in the group experience. Our coaches specialize in various personality assessments, vocational discernment, and spiritual direction. We’ll customize our coaching to whatever best meets your needs!

*While this add-on begins with three coaching sessions, more sessions can be added after your first three.

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