Now more than ever

Now more than ever.

The Center for Transforming Engagement invites community builders to reclaim your well being, reimagine your role, and reinvent how you serve others in our complex culture.

It’s no secret that Christendom is in crisis. With many religious institutions unable to address massive cultural fragmentation and isolation, traditional ministry models often can’t do the job. We invite you to rethink faith-inspired service to achieve a greater impact.

Our leaders, trainers, and coaches have walked in your shoes. We are boots-on-the-ground practitioners who have faced discouragement, disillusionment, and burnout. Yet somehow, deep inside, we knew that wasn’t the end of the story. Who we are.

Rooted in Tradition, while Innovating for the Future

Innovation and tradition may seem at odds, but holding these two things together can produce thoughtful leadership. Remaining stuck in the status quo, or wanting to burn everything to the ground aren’t helpful positions to take. Instead, we advocate a model of service rooted in Christian values of faith, hope and love, that also learns and applies the tools of the social sciences to develop social cohesion and rebuild communities.

Visionaries    Non-profit Leaders    Educators    Pastors & Ex-pastors    Artists    Burnt-out or Aspiring leaders    Social Entrepreneurs    Lifelong Learners    Counselors & Therapists    Academic Professionals    Individuals Navigating Life Transitions    Community Organizers    Social Change Agents



Individual and societal fragmentation is the #1 threat to our collective well-being. The Center offers a mix of offerings for leadership formation, training and organizational development intended to tackle this threat. Our programs are designed to address the three levels of challenge to fragmentation:

Individual Growth

Organizational Growth

Community Growth

Change Begins With You

As you transform your engagement with God and self, the way you relate to others is also transformed.

The teams you lead, the groups you’re a part of, and the communities you serve experience the fruit of this greater awareness, deeper trust, and more honest communication. This new way of engaging cascades out into their circles of influence, creating a greater impact on our society.

The Podcast

Center staff host conversations about changes that serve a common good — and a higher good. Each season explores a single aspect of transforming engagement.

Articles & News

Read the latest news plus articles on resilience, calling, community, and more, written by Center staff, program participants, friends, and faculty of  The Seattle School.

Research & Downloadables

The Center offers thought-provoking research and practical resources to help you on your  journey. We invite you to download and share.

It’s not too late to create a new story.

Let’s Connect

Become More Resilient.
When you invest in your personal resilience, you are also building the resilience of the communities around you. Start today with our free Self-Facilitated Resilience Retreat Guides.
When you invest in your personal resilience, you are also building the resilience of the communities around you. Start today with our free Self-Facilitated Resilience Retreat Guides.
Become More Resilient.