A practical, skills-based conference equipping clergy, church staff, & lay preachers to bring the Word to life in Cascadia
Saturday, May 3, 2025
1:00-5:30pm followed by optional Mocktail Mix & Mingle
Calvin Presbyterian Church, Shoreline, WA
Early bird pricing is $69 until March 15th. Learn how you can attend for free.
Timely Topics
for Liberating Preaching
Through our keynote and breakout sessions, we’ll provide tools for how preaching can be life-giving for the preacher, impactful for the congregation, and liberating for the communities we serve in. We invite you to reimagine.
Efficient Sermon Preparation
Culturally Intelligent Preaching
Tending to your own soul: Preaching as a spiritual practice
Preaching for political discipleship in divisive times
Storytelling: incorporating your own stories appropriately in sermons
Equipping lay preachers: co-preaching demonstration & best practices for supporting lay preachers
Innovative sermons and services
& more
.As a companion event – Christ & Cascadia will host a 1/2 day gathering on May 2nd, 1:00-5:30pm.
These two events explore one overarching question:
How do we bring the Word to life in Cascadia?
2025 Reimagining Preaching Conference Partners
Conference Partners receive discounted tickets for their members. Learn more here about how to be a Conference Partner.

Keynote Address

Creating New Worlds with Words: Spirit and Imagination in Preaching
God our creator invites and urges us to participate in the re-creation of the world. What are the essential elements of preaching that open our listeners’ ears and ready their hearts, souls, minds, and bodies to join in God’s loving, just, and life-giving ways in the world? As preachers, how do we cultivate practices that encourage imagination and hope amid the suffering and cruelties of this blessed and broken world? These are questions we’ll consider as we explore “theopoetic preaching” in ministry.
Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm is the Brightbill Professor of Preaching and Worship at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, IN. Ordained in the Church of the Brethren (one of the Historic/Living Peace Churches), she has served as a hospital chaplain in psychiatric and trauma centers, then as pastor of two churches in Lancaster and central Pennsylvania. Dawn earned her Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary and has been teaching at Bethany for over 20 years. The author and editor of several books, her current research and writing focus on theopoetics at the intersection of preaching, spirituality, and justice. She is married, has three adult children, and enjoys outdoor/distance swimming and singing (not at the same time).
Workshops & Presenters

Culturally Intelligent Preaching
In today’s diverse world, effective preaching requires more than just strong communication skills—it demands cultural intelligence. This workshop explores how to craft sermons that resonate across cultural differences, helping preachers connect meaningfully with diverse audiences. Participants will learn practical tools and strategies to adapt their message, delivery, and engagement while maintaining authenticity. Through interactive discussions and real-world applications, this session equips leaders to preach in a compelling way that fosters understanding and impact across cultural lines.
Rev. Dr. Allison Coventry is the Assistant Superintendent for the Pacific Northwest Conference of the Free Methodist Church. She has pastored churches in New York and the Seattle area, and she spent five years leading Leadership Development initiatives across Latin America. As a Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Fellow, she is part of a global network of thought leaders dedicated to fostering a more culturally intelligent world.

Efficient Sermon Prep
Are you a busy church leader or lay preacher struggling to do it all? Do you find yourself scrambling on Saturdays? Come learn practical hacks for planning and preparing sermon content and how to put together a well-crafted message in 4 hours or less.
Rev. Laura Terasaki is the Executive Presbyter of the Northwest Coast Presbytery (PCUSA) and the founder of Small Acts Consulting which serves nonprofits and faith-based organizations.

Liberated Voices: How Do We Deliver a Bold Sermon In Our Current Context?
More specifically, how do we comprehend our temporal position, life stage, socio-cultural location, and the movement of God’s spirit? Preachers must be compelled to challenge their established norms to discern the message that must be spoken now.
The Rev. Dr. Seth Thomas (D. Min, Portland Seminary) is the Minister of Word and Sacrament at St. James Presbyterian Church in Bellingham, WA. Seth has spent much of his ministry career exploring how spiritual practices can integrate with the rhythms of our lives. Seth also serves on the Center for Transforming Engagement staff, working with regional congregations in the Transforming Communities project.

Developing Lay Preaching Teams for the Congregation
This workshop will assist you in identifying potential preachers and nurturing their gifts. We will also discuss the wisdom of having a variety of voices and styles in a preaching team.
Rev. Canon Britt Olson, Vicar of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle for the past 10 years and former Lay Preaching Trainer for the Episcopal Diocese of Nevada

Soulful Sermons: Personal Story with Authenticity and Boundaries
In this workshop, Dr Davis will share a framework for using personal story in sermons that is both authentic and boundaried to promote and protect the spiritual and emotional health of both the preacher and listeners. Examples of what to do (and what not to do) will be shared, and participants will leave with a checklist for assessing future sermons of their own.
Kate Rae Davis (MDiv, EdD) serves as the Executive Director for the Center for Transforming Engagement at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, and was the first layperson awarded the Bishop’s Preaching Award in the Diocese of Olympia. Her work focuses on leadership development through connecting personal narrative, community narrative, and divine narrative.

Letting God Speak Outside the Box
At this workshop we’ll explore a variety of creative practices for preaching to help expand our repertoire, enliven our delivery methods, approach scripture from new points of view, break down writer’s block, unlock some easy yet powerful methods for proclamation, and have a lot of fun together.
Rev. Ivar Hillesland is a Lutheran/Episcopal pastor, congregational song leader/writer (, and Canon for Congregational Development and Leadership Formation in the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia. He recently concluded 12 years as Pastor of Church of the Apostles in Seattle, a community broadly known for its innovative approach to ministry.