Articles & News
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Articles are written by Center staff, program participants, friends, and faculty of The Seattle School.
Leadership Challenges – Stop Avoiding Conflict!
Teams can learn how you manage conflict and see that conflict can be healthy in order to move towards our collective goals and priorities together.
Leadership Challenges – Delegating Well
Leaders have to be able to have a tangential connection to what they have delegated. This doesnt mean there is a lack of trust, but it means we are all in this together.
Pastoring During Politically Polarizing Times – Virtual Summit
Don’t miss this 2-day virtual summit featuring a variety of speakers and discussions to help us lead during these politically polarized times.
Time Management for Leaders
Can’t seem to get on top of your workload? Boost your productivity, reduce stress, and lead with confidence with these effective time management tips for leaders.
Leadership Challenges – Leading through Difference
In our fractured culture, many leaders are experiencing a great deal of polarization and big gaps around difference. Dana shares his thoughts on how we can understand and appreciate differences on our teams.
Increasing Employee Engagement in Times of Change: A Case Study of How A Non-Profit Built a Strategic Plan During Leadership Transition
Sarah Crass and the leadership team at Medical Teams International were at a crossroads. They had started getting input from across their non-profit in order to create a new strategic plan. But then they entered an unexpected season of leadership transition, including...
How to Prevent Leadership Burnout & Restore a Healthy Work-Life Balance
Are you finding it impossible to achieve a work-life balance? Read on to discover the signs of burnout and the steps you can take to combat it effectively.
Continuous Learning for Leaders: How to Grow Through Crucible Moments
Crucible Moments There are times in our leadership when things can feel unbearably heavy or overwhelming—your body tenses, stress hormones flood your system, your mind races, and you feel pulled in all directions. For some, this distress sparks a compulsion to...
Adaptive Leadership for Nonprofits: A Case Study in Effective Change-Making
An excellent case study in adaptive leadership from the nonprofit Corner of Love, which had to adapt due to political violence and instability in its home country of Nicaragua.
CTE Live! With Dana Scannell, PhD | Free Online Event November 20
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best! Sign up for this free, online event with Dr. Dana Scannell!