Articles & News

Get the latest news plus articles on resilience, community, calling and more. 

Articles are written by Center staff, program participants, friends, and faculty of  The Seattle School.

Dear Clergy, Take Care of Yourselves

Pastors experiencing vicarious trauma may not notice the impact of repeated exposure to traumatic stories until it becomes cumulative, altering their beliefs about the world, humanity, and God. Perhaps you lose trust in humanity, or faith in the goodness of relationships, or hope in the possibility of love. Perhaps God feels far away, or indifferent to such overwhelming need.

Resilience from a Place of Crisis

This is what we get wrong about resilience and wellbeing: it’s not just about individual behaviors and practices. It has much, much more to do with what we call place — the context, culture, and environment in which we live and work and have our being.

Components of Resilience Part Two: Practice

If you’ve been following The Center for Transforming Engagement, you’ve likely heard mention of the three streams of resilience: people, practice, and purpose. Each are a necessary component of resilience; no one is sufficient on its own. This article is part two of a...