Articles & News

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Articles are written by Center staff, program participants, friends, and faculty of  The Seattle School.

Purpose Reconsidered: An Alumni Story

Through CRS I was reminded that the life we are all seeking…one of purpose, meaning, and balance…is impossible apart from intentional and intimate relationships. To that end, we must have people in our lives to share the journey…to bear witness for one another.

The Betwixt and Between: Finding Resilience in Liminality

Participation in the project was hard soul work, not always pleasant, and honestly, not always useful. Our last gathering, for example, contained some of the most soul soaring and soul-crushing encounters of my time in the project. I came out of the project at the bottom, yet, I realized weeks later, on the way up.

Refreshing Your Way of Life

In our work around resilience, we discuss, discern, and develop our Way of Life, rooted in the Benedictine Rule of Life. A Way of Life is a commitment to live in particular ways, crafted with prayer and discernment, as a way to become the person God created you to be.

Dear Clergy, Take Care of Yourselves

Pastors experiencing vicarious trauma may not notice the impact of repeated exposure to traumatic stories until it becomes cumulative, altering their beliefs about the world, humanity, and God. Perhaps you lose trust in humanity, or faith in the goodness of relationships, or hope in the possibility of love. Perhaps God feels far away, or indifferent to such overwhelming need.