Clergy Burnout Report

Clergy Burnout Report

Did you know that 90% of pastors feel inadequately trained to cope with ministry demands? And that 30% of pastors are at risk of burnout?⁠ ⁠As a point of contrast: while 1 in 3 pastors is at risk of burnout, only 1 in 5 business leaders is at risk.⁠ Church leadership...

Mapping Your Community

We all know that we need others to help us in our work and lives, especially when times are stressful. In the Genesis creation narratives, God creates humanity to exist in community. Relationships are so important, the observation “It’s not good for a human to be...

The Resilience Report

The report is presented by Kate Davis, Director of Resilient Leaders Project, Dr. J. Derek McNeil, Acting President, and Andrea Sielaff, Researcher. The world needs resilient leaders. The church is in a season of significant transition; no one knows how spiritual...